A Critical Review of Cole Gordon's Sales Training Materials

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A Critical Review of Cole Gordon's Sales Training Materials

Summary of the Video

In his video, Cole Gordon discusses advanced sales techniques, focusing on pre-empting client objections and building a consultative relationship. He mentions, "Sales is not about convincing; it's about guiding." This reflects his Belief Blueprint concept, emphasizing a shift from aggressive selling to a leadership role in sales.

Promises of Closers.io

Closers.io, led by Cole Gordon, asserts a commitment to revolutionizing sales training. The platform promises comprehensive coaching, mastering objection handling, and strategies to foster enduring client relationships – essential for anyone in the remote closing academy or sales industry.

My Personal Experience Utilizing the Service

My experience, however, did not mirror these promises. Despite investing in the Remote Closing Academy, the personalized approach and expected transformation in sales efficiency were conspicuously absent. This discrepancy raises questions about the legitimacy of Closers.io and whether the training can genuinely deliver on its ambitious claims.


Cole Gordon's approach, as presented in his training materials, offers an intriguing take on sales. Yet, my personal journey with Closers.io highlights a significant gap between theory and implementation, essential for potential clients to consider.