Remote Closing Academy Costs: A Detailed Pricing and Services Guide

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How Much Does Remote Closing Academy Cost? An Inside Look at Pricing and Services

Discover the cost of Remote Closing Academy, a service offered by This article provides an in-depth analysis of the financial commitment required for their sales training and recruitment services, based on a real client experience.

Overview of Remote Closing Academy

Remote Closing Academy, spearheaded by Cole Gordon, offers specialized services in sales training and recruitment. This academy is designed to enhance the skills and efficiency of sales teams across various industries.

Detailed Cost Breakdown

According to the contract signed with LLC on December 22, 2022, the total cost for the service is $18,000, paid in full upon agreement. The contract was initially set for a duration of 3 months, with specific terms and conditions regarding service provision and extension.

Services Included in the Price

The comprehensive package includes:

  • Coaching and Consulting: Focused on building sales systems, with weekly coaching calls and daily Slack support.
  • Sales Training: Access to the Skool group community and the STA modules.
  • Team Support: Inclusive of group calls and recruitment services (if separately purchased).

What Was Actually Delivered: A Client’s Experience

Despite the comprehensive list of services promised by Remote Closing Academy and an investment of $18,000, my experience with the program was significantly different from what was outlined in the contract.

Key Points of Delivery:

  • Lack of Promised Hires: The main service I sought from Remote Closing Academy was the placement of two sales reps within my agency. Despite the contract stipulating up to two hires during the program duration, this objective was not met within the initial three-month period, nor in the extended six months.
  • Automatic Contract Extension: Without any successful hires or notable progress, the contract was automatically extended beyond the initial three months. This extension occurred without my consent, which was a deviation from the expectations set during the sales consultation.
  • Termination of Services: After a six-month period with no successful hires, my access to their services was abruptly terminated. This termination happened without prior notice, leaving the main goal of hiring two sales reps unfulfilled.
  • Customer Service and Resolution Efforts: In attempts to resolve the issue, the response from Remote Closing Academy was an offer for a further extension of services instead of addressing the lack of delivery or discussing a potential refund. This response was not in alignment with the service quality and client support that was expected.

Reflection on the Experience:

This experience with Remote Closing Academy raises questions about the efficacy and reliability of their services. The significant gap between the services promised and what was actually delivered has led me to reconsider the value of such programs and to caution others about potential similar experiences.

Note: This account is based on my personal experience with Remote Closing Academy and may not reflect the experiences of other clients. The intent of sharing this is to provide an honest overview for individuals considering this service.


Understanding the full scope of costs and services provided by Remote Closing Academy is crucial before making any commitments. This article aims to shed light on these aspects to aid potential clients in making informed decisions.


If you have had similar experiences or wish to know more, feel free to share your story or reach out for further discussion.